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Company Profile

Kuraya (USA) Corporation is an affiliated company of MEDIPAL HOLDINGS CORPORATION, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. We are the first and only affiliated company of MEDIPAL HOLDINGS CORPORATION located outside of Japan. Kuraya (USA) Corporation was established in 1989 in Torrance, California with our primary focus on relaying and exchanging U.S. healthcare and medical related information back to the Japanese market, .......View more



All examination gloves are manufactured in China and Malaysia for distribution currently to Japan, and hopefully in the near future, to other parts of the world, including the U.S. domestic market. All products are manufactured with QUALITY, all products are required to undergo extensive testing before being available for sale.


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Kuraya (USA) Corporation
3625 Del Amo Blvd. Suite 150 Torrance, California 90503 U.S.A. Tel: 310-542-4245
Fax: 310-542-4175
E-mail : info@kuraya-usa.com
